Hotel web sites (lite)

Lite Hotel websites provide concise and tailored experience for in region hotel properties.

Hotel websites - intro
Hotel websites create a unique experience for the digital users with an immersive visual treat to the eyes through stunning photographs of the hotel, its surrounding environment, amenities and more. Often these experiences are also in motion when short video stories are part of the offerings. Rich media and text content make up for the bulk of the mini sites which are very critical during the shopping experience. They also integrate with the reservation engine to enable the check out process to complete the entire shopping experience.

My Role:
Strategy | Research | Facilitation | Prototyping | Design and development

Most of the hotel websites created were in English language and later translated into regional languages to cater to the global audience. The translations of the in region hotel websites to a more concise product offering.

Business need and why?
Reducing the translation cost from $3 million to $500K would be a significant savings in expenditure. For the users these properties still gave all the same experience in a more compact presentation.


Usability testing
We created the lite site experience in 7 different languages to test these prototypes for interactivity, usability and information architecture. Based on the tests the tab structure we created to keep all the information on a single page was well received.